
Timses: Prabowo-Password Has a Special Tip to Face Free Papua

JurnalUpdate . Director of Advocacy and Law of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad stated that the presidential candidates supported by him would defend Papua in the NKRI region. That attitude will be carried out if Prabowo-Sandi is elected. "What is clear is that the integrity of the NKRI is prioritized and Papua will be maintained," Dasco said. Dasco agrees that there are parties who want Papua to be given the right to be independent or free from Indonesia. Mainly based on unfair treatment and violence to human rights violations that often occur in Papua. However, Dasco considers Prabowo-Sandi to apply special tips if elected in the presidential election. Although not detailed, Dasco is certain that this special step can ease the conflict that has occurred so far. "We admit that so far there are still many who support Papuan independence. But, perhaps with the election of Pak Prabowo and Mr. Sandi, there will be special tips...

Rizieq Shihab Want to Change Tagar # 2019 Change President

PojokWarta . The High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab, wants a change from the name of movement # 2019, Change to President. According to him, the name of the movement must be changed because it is now entering 2019. Rizieq said this through a voice recording and was confirmed by the Chair of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood Slamet Maarif on Sunday. "In order for movement # 2019, the President must not be there. It's time # Movement2019 Replace the President to increase our movement to 2019 Prabowo President of the Republic of Indonesia," said Rizieq. Rizieq said that all parties must be more enthusiastic because they have entered 2019. The struggle, said Rizieq, must be done together for the sake of a change in a better direction for Indonesia. "We must be more excited," Rizieq said. PA 212 Chairperson Slamet Maarif confirmed that the recording indeed contained Rizieq's voice. He said the tape had been played last Friday. "Yes, i...

Mass of Defending Uighurs Shouts '2019 Change President'

KolomFakta . Thousands of people who rallied in front of the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta shouted "2019 replace the president" when holding a peaceful protest defending the ethnic Uighur minority on Friday. Initially, one of the figures who participated in the demonstration, Lieus Sungkharisma from the Chinese Anti-Corruption Community, urged the government to strongly address the Chinese government regarding this matter in his speech. Lieus, who is an Indonesian of Chinese descent, considers President Joko Widodo's government to be weak against President Xi Jinping regarding the Uighur issue due to Jakarta's dependence on Beijing in economic matters. "The ones who should protest like this are the president, not us. The Indonesian people are not afraid of being boycotted by the economy or anything," Lieus said. "The one in the Palace must move quickly, don't wait for the people to take to the streets first. If this is the case in 2019?" "Cha...

Volunteers Start Consolidating Appeal for Rizieq # 2019 Prabowo President

WartaJurnal . 2019 Movement Initiator Replace President Mardani Ali Sera welcomed the proposal of the High Priest of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab who proposed the hashtag # 2019Ganti President was changed to tag # 2019Prabowo President. According to Mardani the 2019 presidential election (pilpes) has only been counting on days. So that the Rizieq proposal is needed so that the movement to win Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno in April is more focused. "The election time of the 2019 presidential election was less than 100 days. So agree with Habib Rizieq's proposal. We must focus on the # 2019 Prabowo President's hashtag," Mardani said on Monday (7/1). Nevertheless, Mardani said the process of 'migration' hashtag # 2019GantiPresiden to # 2019PrabowoPresiden takes time. Because # 2019 Change President is a social movement, not a political movement. Plus, added Mardani, in the minds of the people at this time, every time there was a shout of 2019, then...

"Three Regions in Java Key to Victory in the Presidential Election" According to the Sandi

FaktaId . Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Salahudin Uno said West Java, Central Java and East Java were important areas. He said this was related to the campaign he had been carrying out. "We see East Java, Central Java, West Java as the key," Sandi said at the Prabowo-Sandi National Secretariat office, Menteng, Jakarta, Monday night. Sandi said that during a thanksgiving event after visiting 1,000 campaign locations. However, Password does not specify the purpose of the statement. He did not call West Java, Central Java and East Java important because of the large number of voters or not. Sandi also did not say that people on Java Island faced more severe economic problems than other regions. Sandi said that besides Java, other regions were also important to him. Including areas that have so far never been visited. See also: Prabowo's Times Called the Best Presidential Election Debate Leaks "And also other parts of Indonesia that have or have not been vi...

February 2019 Coordinating Minister Darmin Ensures 30 Million Tons of Corn Imports

NasionalIndonesia . The government will reopen the maize import tap, mainly as animal feed, as many as 30 thousand tons in February 2019. The goal is for feed to be available for chickens, so as to reduce the price of eggs that have continued to rise since last year. Based on data from the National Strategic Food Price Information Center (PIHPS) per day, the price of eggs is Rp.26,250 per kilogram (kg), or increases compared to the national average price of two months ago, Rp23,300 per kg. In fact, the reference price of chicken eggs in consumers is at the level of Rp23 thousand per kg. This is stated in the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 96 of 2018 concerning the Reference Price for Purchases at the Farmer Level and the Reference Price for Sales at the Consumer Level. "We have also added 30 thousand tons of corn again to enter the middle of February. Because if there are chicken eggs, the problem is corn (for animal feed)," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs D...

World Bank Value of Jokowi Relying on BUMN for Infrastructure

PojokId . The World Bank report entitled Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program released in June 2018 stated that the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Government was too reliant on state-owned companies to build infrastructure. This was reflected in the government's decision to provide direct assignments of a number of projects to SOEs. Whereas, in fact, the projects given to SOEs are projects that are not in demand in the eyes of private sector investors. However, in fact, commercial projects were given to SOEs. For example, commercial port development projects are given directly to Pelindo III and Pelindo IV. "The most feasible and making money is often assigned to SOEs," the report wrote. According to the international institution, the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP) should screen which projects are feasible and not for private investors. But unfortunately, until the report came out, there were no clear indicators which projects should...

The World Bank Calls Low-Quality RI Infrastructure Projects

LiputanNet . The World Bank calls infrastructure projects in Indonesia of low quality, lack of readiness, and not well planned. This is a major obstacle for the Government of Indonesia to mobilize more private capital into various infrastructure development projects. In a report titled the Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program released in June 2018, the World Bank explained that Indonesia's infrastructure projects were not prioritized based on clear criteria or selection. "The reputation of the project in Indonesia is of low quality and not well planned," the World Bank report said. In addition, the choice of procurement method was decided too early before in-depth analysis. For example through the scheme of Government Cooperation with Business Entities (PPP), business to business (B2B), or through public financing. In fact, other countries prioritize the gradual study and analysis process, before finally making decisions regarding the appropriate procurement and finan...

Jokowi Infrastructure Makes 'Bolong' a BUMN BUMN Bag

IdNasional . Infrastructure projects that are still being built by President Joko Widodo in fact burden the state-owned finance. Until the third quarter of 2018, all operational cash flows of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) have recorded a negative position. In fact, the number is getting worse for some issuers. If the operational cash flow is minus, it means that the company uses more internal cash to fund infrastructure projects. If internal cash is insufficient, the company is forced to borrow funds from the bank or do some corporate actions to reap fresh funds. Alfred Nainggolan, Head of Capital Connection Research, said that the company's insufficient internal cash usually correlates with the increasing amount of debt. However, he stressed that the increase in corporate debt is not always bad. "It must be seen again, how is the growth in net income. If the cash flow is negative, there is a lot of debt, but the company is still able to create a net profit, which is actually...

World Bank Reveals Infrastructure Makes BUMN Confused to Find Funds

JurnalHub . The World Bank considers that the assignment of infrastructure projects to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) actually makes the state-owned companies nervous about seeking funds. Because, assignments are given without certainty regarding the source of funding. The statement was contained in a World Bank report entitled Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program released in June 2018 ago. In the report, the World Bank gave an example of the Trans-Sumatra toll road project undertaken by PT Hutama Karya (Persero) Tbk, when the assignment was given without any clarity regarding funding sources. Finally, Hutama Karya issued corporate bonds with government guarantees to fund the project. According to the report, HK worked on 24 segments of the Trans Sumatra toll road reaching a length of 2,700 kilometers (km). However, the funds that HK has are still not enough to complete the project, so the project has the potential to be exposed to high risk financially. "This creates addition...

Jokowi's Infrastructure Was Critically Criticized by the World Bank

JurnalFakta . The World Bank highlights the development of infrastructure during the administration of President Joko Widodo. One of their highlights was related to the assignment given by the Jokowi government to SOEs in infrastructure development. In the June 2018 edition of the report "Infrastructure Sector Assessment Program", the World Bank stated that to carry out the assignments given, the government often gave privileges to state-owned companies. Privileges are given in several forms. First, giving capital injections in the form of State Capital Participation (PMN). It was recorded, in 2015 the government gave a capital injection of Rp.41.4 trillion for 36 state-owned enterprises, of which half were used for infrastructure development. In 2016, capital injections were increased to Rp53.98 trillion, 83 percent of which was for infrastructure development. In addition to capital injections, BUMNs are also often given easier access to obtain loans from state-owned banks w...

World Bank Admits Jokowi's Infrastructure Report Not Final

Kolom Media . The World Bank raised its voice regarding the report entitled Infrastructure Financing Sector Assessment Program (InfraSAP). The report criticized the infrastructure development of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) era. "These articles cite a World Bank report that is currently being finalized in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia. This report is titled InfraSAP," the World Bank wrote in its official statement on Monday. The report reviews the substantial progress made by Indonesia in building infrastructure in recent years. The report also reviews the various opportunities and instruments available to the authorities to close the gap in infrastructure that has accumulated in several generations. "The World Bank prepared this report in mid 2017, following an invitation from the government to work together to find a solution to attract more private and commercial funding for infrastructure investment needed to achieve government ambitions to maintain the ...

Shocked, Sandiaga Uno Hear the Price of Basic Needs in Tarakan

Lensa Aktual . Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno campaign in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan. In the province bordering Sabah Malaysia, the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta received complaints about the high level of basic commodities there. In a dialogue with a number of community leaders and volunteers on the futsal field at Mutiara Karang Anyar West Tarakan Hotel, one of the MSME entrepreneurs, Syarifah, complained about the rising and falling prices of food, making it difficult to run the business, due to uncertain prices. "Imagine Sir, ginger here is Rp. 80,000 (per kilogram), chili (chilli) is one hundred thousand per kilogram, chicken is Rp. 68,000 per kilogram, and meat is Rp. 150,000 per kilogram," Syarifah said, in Tarakan, Friday . Syarifah's statement or what is usually called Mak Ijah surprised the 02 vice-presidential candidate. "Seriously ma'am. This is not made up? I'm not the one talking about it. Many say prices are stable. They don't go up an...

In front of Mother, Sandiaga Confided in Saying a Role

Buletin Digital . Vice President Candidate number 02 Sandiaga Uno told a story before the MSME entrepreneurs in Serang, Banten about himself being called a person who plays. He claimed that he was often referred to as acting when talking about the price of unstable staples. "Pak Yandri, we say all this is the fabrication of theatrics that the prices of basic commodities are stable, this is directly from the people, why do the elites in Jakarta always reject what the people say down?" Sandiaga said while giving a speech on his visit to the Empty SMEs MSME entrepreneur, Lebakwana, Serang, Banten, on Sunday. Sandiaga said his statement was actually all from the community. He stressed that he did not do engineering. "Therefore, I thank Mr. Yandri and all the members here heard directly from the mothers, is it true that the ma'am said that? No one is paid, right?" Sandi asked the local residents, while being agreed by the residents in reply right. "It's real...

Prabowo BPN Challenges TKN Jokowi: Debate Presidential Candidates Without Brave Contest No!

Channel Nasional . The National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno objected to being called the National Campaign Team (TKN) Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin did not want any presidential debate. BPN is challenging the Jokowi's stronghold regarding the first presidential debate which will be held in mid-January 2019. "Tell you what, I challenge TKN Jokowi, later when there is no debate anyone can take note paper or cheat sheets. Let the people know, what is the content of the thoughts of each candidate. Do you dare?" BPN spokesman Andre Rosiade told reporters on Monday. Andre emphasized that Prabowo-Sandiaga was ready to undergo the 2019 presidential debate. Regarding the accusations of TKN that the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp did not want any presidential debate, Andre said he was confused. "For January 17, of course our candidates are ready to debate. It is strange that the narrative they built," he said. The Gerindra Party politician backs up the Jokowi...